Why does Life Treasury Exist?

The concept of Life Treasury began due to a personal dilemma of Dean, a very normal man from Lincolnshire. He, like millions of people around the world, has the ashes of his parents at home, not because he wants to have ashes in his home, but because he did not want the permanence and lack of personal memorial that goes with scattering the ashes. His Father wanted his ashes to be scattered in the grand canal in Venice; what a wonderful idea, however, not only is this illegal Dean found out but also, Dean would not be able to go and visit Venice and feel a closeness to his father. How about burying the ashes, the family thought? At this time of their lives, they were making a big step to move from Lincolnshire to London, and were not yet ready to have the ashes in a permanent place where they may not be able to visit; and so, the ashes sat on the sideboard. 

In October 2016, Dean was at a dinner and sat next to a Cathedral Chapter Clerk, whom he got on very well with, and the conversation got on to fund-raising. The Cathedral had an annual deficit the Chapter had to fight to get, year in year out. Dean thought, how could he help? And that night at 3 am, Dean woke from his sleep with the idea of Life Treasury. Something where his much-loved parents could be memorialised in a beautiful, meaningful setting, whilst helping the Cathedral with fund-raising. It’s as simple as that, helping families, helping meaningful locations.  

From there the idea blossomed to a beautiful and sophisticated Bookcase, and consequently the Library of Life. 

Dean is heading up the project and has funded everything thus far from his own pocket, so that he, and people like him, can have the opportunity to pay respects to their loved ones in an appropriate setting whilst supporting buildings in need of our help.