Creating memories,preserving our heritage


Below are just a few of the core values that Life Treasury holds. These core values are a cornerstone to our project and everything we do, in creating our mission and vision for helping the wider community, those who have lost and the heritage of our country.

“Creating memories”

Building a photobook of our loved ones has been shown to help with the grieving process, and brings back so many wonderful memories of their lives. It can be an emotional process, but one namely filled with warm feelings. We all have photos stuck on our devices, or in a draw, so we have committed to including a photobook with every purchase and giving customers the opportunity to have additional copies printed.

“Giving back to the wider community”

Our market research identified a fundamental mismatch in services offered versus population requirements and desires. On testing a wide circle of populace, a strong desire for Life Treasury was evident. Our placement venues use the funds to enhance the lives of their communities through projects to help their local and wider community.  

“Preserving our heritage”

In the UK we are extremely fortunate to have such rich heritage from centuries of wealth and pioneering architecture. Sadly, this heritage is at risk due to the considerable financial demands of the historic buildings owing to their age. We are passionate about preserving our heritage and are therefore dedicated to increase fund-raising for crucial repairs and upkeep. We believe Life Treasury will play a key role in this financial growth; our aim is to raise £20million per year to sustain our heritage. In the sporting realm, supporting young players means the club can continue to thrive.

“Creating a genuine solution”

Life Treasury was initiated by creating one effective solution for two major issues: a large heritage site funding deficit (in this case a Cathedral) which our founder was asked to assist with, and a personal theological and emotional requirement of his own. This was further strengthened on researching the subject matter relating to population requirements and the lack of available capacity to satisfy them.