Love, Live for, and forever stay with your club

Life Treasury is an opportunity for sporting clubs to offer a unique, meaningful and special memorial for loyal members and supporters after their death. Life Treasury also encourages community engagement to further enhance the special connection the club has with its members, supporters and their families.

Our bespoke memorial books, “Life Treasury Placement Books” hold the ashes of a club supporter, together with a photo memory book of their life and non valuable keepsakes, securely locked in a beautiful library setting within their favourite club.

In addition, the Life Treasury “Home Book” allows supporters to have a similar memorial in the comfort of their own home with the branding of their beloved club. Some clubs may choose to offer both the placement book and the home book to appeal to a larger proportion of their supporters.


Our specially designed, handcrafted bookcases containing Life Treasury Books capture years of memorable sporting events and associations with members or supporters so their memories live on and special family connections with the club are retained.


Life Treasury not only provides recurring financial benefits by placing Life Treasury Books within your club, we also take on the cost of the bookcases whilst removing the related administration and organisation from the club.


Some clubs may choose to donate the income from the project to their club foundation or local charities to support local communities or residents, fans or increase the uptake of grass-roots engagement.


To provide an accessible yet secure place for those members and supporters who have spent their life and hard-earned money actively supporting their beloved club resolutely, winning or losing.

Forever staying with their club

Sporting club members and supporters have long standing and strong associations with their clubs, built up over many years and regularly commit a huge amount of time, love and money to take part in or attend sporting events. Many supporters proclaim they would “die for their beloved club” or that they “live and die by their team” providing a unique opportunity for club members and supporters to retain a presence at their beloved club long after their death that will provide much needed comfort to bereaved families ensuring the special family connection with the club continues.


Why Life Treasury could work for your club

  • Giving something back to the many loyal members and supporters

  • Raising the community profile of the club

  • Increasing engagement and promoting ongoing and future family membership and support

  • Significant additional revenue, long-term and recurring

  • Providing a unique offering within the club for special memories to live on

  • Zero financial investment or outlay required

  • Reducing the need for other fund-raising measures such as increased membership or ticket costs which could discourage membership and support

  • Option to donate revenue to the club foundation or charity to benefit other members of your community


Why Life Treasury benefits your members or supporters

  • To be laid to rest in a much loved and meaningful setting for members and supporters who have died

  • A unique and special memorial which also holds a personal memory book created by their loved ones

  • Allowing families and friends to visit and remember their loved one’s story and special sporting memories in an environment special to that person

  • Creating memory books has been proven to assist when grieving for close relatives and friends

  • A more appropriate and modern choice for bereaved families and friends

  • Long-term certainty and reassurance for all – the National Life Treasury will hold the Life Treasury Book after the placement within the club ends

  • Providing a familiar and meaningful focal point for those bereaved in need of a place to reflect and remember loved ones.


To find out how Life Treasury can support your fans through a difficult time, and increase revenue for your community, please contact us today.